​Eduard Shaikhulov

Eduard Shaikhulov

QA Engineer

Eduard Shaikhulov is a seasoned QA Engineer with extensive experience in both manual and automated testing of web and mobile applications. His expertise and proficiency in testing methodologies have made him a sought-after QA professional in the industry.

Eduard's contributions extend beyond his technical skills; he is recognized in the IT sphere for his prolific writing in leading scientific publications, where he delves into industry-specific topics. Additionally, his role as a jury member in renowned events such as the "Top 40 Digital Experts" award and the prestigious "Runet Awards 2023" further solidifies his standing as an expert in the field.

His active involvement with the Educational Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) in Innopolis city, Russia, included taking part in developing and delivering an educational course specifically designed for testers. This initiative highlights Eduard's commitment to advancing knowledge and skills within the software testing community.

Moreover, ​​Eduard's involvement as a member of the "E-commerce" cluster within the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC) showcases his engagement with professionals in the internet business domain. This collaborative platform enables him to stay abreast of industry trends and best practices while contributing to the advancement of e-commerce technologies.

Eduard Shaikhulov's multifaceted contributions, ranging from technical proficiency to industry engagement and educational initiatives, underscore his status as a highly respected and influential figure in the realm of software testing and quality assurance.

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